back to basics: take flight with crow pose

"Bakasana—the beloved Crow pose.

This pose is typically the first arm balance that yogis learn. It takes more trust than strength to execute this particular pose. However, once you’ve gotten the hand of Crow pose, all other arm balances become simple."

Read the full tutorial I wrote for HERE! Here you'll learn step by step hw to get into the pose, modifications for how to get started, AND step by step instructions for how to get into the full expression with straight arms!

If you tried it, let me know in the comments below!

back to basics: how to ease into chaturanga dandasana

"What yoga flow class would be complete without Chaturanga Dandasana?

Contrary to popular belief, this Chaturanga Dandasana is not a transition. It’s a pose that can be held all on it’s own. Chaturanga Dandasana strengthens and tones your upper body, core, and legs. And as a yoga instructor, it’s the pose I always see practiced incorrectly."

Read the whole article I wrote for HERE! You'll find step by step instructions and ways to modify the pose as you're building up the strength for it!