Stalking Fear: Reactivity & The Limbic System

“The sign of intelligence is that you are constantly wondering. Idiots are always dead sure about every damn thing they are doing in their life.”


How do you spot fear in your life?

I recently listened to some lectures on emotional intelligence, and limbic reactivity from a mobility training I’m taking that were pretty eye opening.

Cameron Shayne talked about how the limbic system doesn’t know the difference between the truth and what is perceived. So when we watch a scary movie, we get scared - even though clearly we have nothing to fear. The limbic system doesn’t know the difference.

When we get emotionally reactive, it’s usually a sign that there’s some fear we’re working with. We literally fear for our safety (even if we’re reactive to something in our relationship).

It’s interesting to make a practice out of stalking your fear. Looking for those moments when fear bubbles up and makes an appearance. How does it show up for you? And how do you react when in fear?

Watch for those moments when you get reactive. Do you go quiet and avoid the situation? Do you go on the defense and attack back?

Get curious about where that fear is stemming from. Dig deep to uncover the belief that’s keeping you stuck in a pattern of fear and reactivity.

Good luck!